Notre Dame London: Fischer Hall Library

Metaphysics :

Metaphysics : the big questions / edited by Peter van Inwagen and Dean W. Zimmerman. - 2nd, rev. & expanded ed. - Malden, MA ; Oxford : Blackwell Pub., 2008. - xx, 633 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - Philosophy, the big questions .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

What is the Relationship between an Individual and its Characteristics?
Universals and Resemblances Chapter 1 of Thinking and Experience H. H. Price
The Elements of Being D. C. Williams
The Principle of Individuation: An Excerpt from Human Knowledge, its Scope and Limits Bertrand Russell
Distinct Indiscernibles and the Bundle Theory Dean W. Zimmerman
What is Time? What is Space?
Time: an Excerpt from The Nature of Existence J. McT. E. McTaggart
McTaggart's Arguments against the Reality of Time: An Excerpt from Examination of McTaggart's Philosophy
The Notion of the Present A. N. Prior
The General Problem of Time and Change: An Excerpt from Scientific Thought C. D. Broad
The Space-Time World: An Excerpt from Philosophy and Scientific Realism J. J. C. Smart
Topis, Soris, Noris: An Excerpt from The Existence of Space and Time Ian Hinckfuss
Some Free Thinking about Time A. N. Prior
The Fourth Dimension: An Excerpt from The Ambidextrous Universe Martin Gardner
Incongruent Counterparts and Higher Dimensions James Van Cleve
Achilles and the Tortoise Max Black
A Contemporary Look at Zeno's Paradoxes: An Excerpt from Space, Time and Motion Wesley C. Salmon
Grasping the Infinite Jos_ A. Bernadete
The Paradoxes of Time Travel David Lewis
How do things Persist through Changes of Parts and Properties?
Of Confused Subjects which are Equivalent to Two Subjects: An Excerpt from The Port-Royal Logic Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole
Identity Through Time Roderick M. Chisholm
Identity, Ostension, and Hypostasis W. V. O. Quine
Identity: an Excerpt From Quiddities W. V. O. Quine
In Defense of Stages: Postscript B to 'Survival and identity' David Lewis
Some Problems About Time Peter Geach
The Problem of Temporary Intrinsics: An Excerpt from On the Plurality of Worlds David Lewis
Temporary Intrinsics and Presentism Dean W. Zimmerman
How do Causes Bring about their Effects?
Constant Conjunction: an excerpt from A Treatise of Human Nature David Hume
Efficient Cause and Active Power: An excerpt from Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind Thomas Reid
Psychological and Physical Causal Laws: An Excerpt from The Analysis of Mind Bertrand Russell
Causality: an Excerpt from A Modern Introduction to Logic L. Susan Stebbing
Causality and Determination G. E. M. Anscombe
What is our Place in the World?
How is the Appearance of a Thing Related to the Thing that Appears?
The Theory of Sensa: An Excerpt from Scientific Thought C. D. Broad
Qualities: An Excerpt from Consciousness and Causality D. M. Armstrong
The Status of Appearances: An Excerpt from Theory of Knowledge, 1st edition Roderick M. Chisholm
What is the Relation Between Mind and Body?
Which Physical Thing am I? An Excerpt From 'Is There a Mind Body Problem?' (Roderick M. Chisholm
Personal Identity: a Materialist Account Sydney Shoemaker
Dividend Minds and the Nature of Persons Derek Parfit
Body and Soul: An Excerpt from The Evolution of the Soul Richard Swinburne
The Puzzle of Conscious Experience David Chalmers
Is it Possible for us to Act Freely?
Free Will as Involving Determination and Inconceivable Without it R. E. Hobart
Human Freedom and the Self Richard M. Chisholm
The Mystery of Metaphysical Freedom Peter van Inwagen
The Agent as Cause Timothy O'Connor
Is There Just One World?
Speaking of Objects W. V. O. Quine
After Metaphysics

9781405125857 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1405125853 (hardcover : alk. paper) 9781405125864 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1405125861 (pbk. : alk. paper)



BD 111 / .M575 2008