Notre Dame London: Fischer Hall Library

The Chesterton Review, Vol. XIX, No.3, August 1993

The Chesterton Review, Vol. XIX, No.3, August 1993 edited by Ian Boyd - Saskatoon, Canada The Chesterton Society 1993

Introduction, by Ian Boyd, C.S.B., p.285; The Heroines of Shakespeare, by G.K. Chesterton, p.287; The Agreeable Savage, by G.K. Chesterton, p.293; A Ballade of the First Rain, by G.K. Chesterton, p.298; Bohemia's Claim for Freedom, by G.K. Chesterton, p.300; Sex and Property, by G.K. Chesterton, p.303; Chesterton and the Essay Form, by John Coates, p.307; Heresy and Orthodoxy in Recent Best-Sellers, by Philip Jenkins, p.341; Orthodoxy and The Silver Chair, by Richard J. Johnson, p.349; The Pedagogy of Péguy, by John Saward, p.357; Reviews: The Use of Memory: Publishing and Further Pursuits, p.381, The Culture of Contentment, p.385, Charter Politics, p.393, Living in Truth and Letters to Olga, p.395.