Notre Dame London: Fischer Hall Library

The Chesterton Review, Vol.III, No.2, Spring-Summer, 1977

The Chesterton Review, Vol.III, No.2, Spring-Summer, 1977 edited by Ian Boyd - Saskatoon, Canada The Chesterton Society 1977

Annotations: front cover [black ink] Top Meadow The Chesterton Society

Notes on Chesterton's Notre Dame Lectures on Victorian Literature, by Richard Baker, John J. Connolly and Ronald Zudek, p.165; G.K. Chesterton on Dickens's Treatment of Language, by Sylvere Monod, p.195; The Wizard of Boz: G.K. Chesterton and Dickensian Humour, p.211; Eden and New Jerusalem: A Study of The Napoleon of Notting Hill, by Joseph A. Quinn, p.230; A Sort of Tribute to G.K.C. byJoseph Śkvorecky, p.240; Chesterton's Attack on the Proto-Nazis: New Light on the Black Legend, p.246; Chesterton's Contribution to English Sociology, p.260; Chesterton: Technology, Culture and Anarchy, by J.G. Keogh, p.283; Three Cheers for G.K.C. - from Japan, p.287.