Notre Dame London: Fischer Hall Library

Ethical issues in six religious traditions /

Ethical issues in six religious traditions / edited by Peggy Morgan and Clive A. Lawton. - 2nd ed. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, c2007. - xxx, 354 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction; Section A. Hinduism; Section B. Buddhism; Section C. Sikhism; Section D. Judaism; Section E. Christianity; Section F. Islam. Themes covered in each section: Religious identity and authority, Personal and private, Marriage and family, Influences on and use of time, money and other personal resources, The quality and value of life, Questions of right and wrong, Equality and difference, Conflict and violence, Global issues. t. Religious identity and Authority 1 O)! BRfein a nFi-iihi Aitrhorift" * Ailthority FiglTrcs ii the Fa'tl. - Dh itls otf Leaders Dur)ties of' Siubjicts and CitZ ns . Personal and Private? 10 "Prsolnal QualiiUes * Friendship - Sex befo,re Marriage " -lorn;exualiti * HIV AIDS . Marriage and the Family 16 Tie Meanin:g of Marriage * Fazmil Rclatioiships - Marriage Brca kdown Sinfluences on and the IUse of Tine, Money and Other Personal Resources 23 Education * Work Leisure anid its Use - Wealth "T Drugs - The Media Advertisirg "T,he Quality and Value of Life 32 The Elderly Those in Need * Reproduction * Abortion * Euthanosia - Vege'tarianism 6. Questions of Right and Wrong 39 Th,e Purpose of Law - Sin ancd Sins * Punishnmenrs The W'rongdoer and the Wronged SEquality and Difference 43- Differences betceen People - Attitudes to Other Religions "+ Attitudes to Ethnuic a.nd National Diversity " VIonment arnd Men * Are All People Equal? 8, Conflict and Violence 48 Why does Conflict Exist? Why do Different Nations Exist? - Nationaln nd Ethnic Conrflict 'Jist Wiar ? L ontemporary Challerges * Social and Domestic Violence 9. Globai Issues Responses to World Poverty * Responses to Populatian Control Planet Earth and Ecolog" y 10. Glossary - Bibliography . Addresses Section B: Buddhism Peggy Morgan 1. Religious Identity and Authority On Being a Buddhistr Authority A Aumznrit, Figures in the Faith Duties of Leaders - Duties of SubJects and Citizens 2 Personal and Private? Personal Qualiiies Friendshi; ° Sex before Marriage 68 *IHomosexualit -* HiV/ AIDS 3. Marriage and the Family The Meaning of Marriage - Family 73 Relationships M Marriage Breakdown "4. Influences on and the use of Time, Money and Other Personal Resources Education * Worlk Leisure and its Use * WValth 6. * Drugs * The Media * Advertising 5. The Quality and Value of Life The Elderl * Those in Need R Reproduction 84 * Abortion . Euthanasia * Vegctarianism 6. Questions of Right and Wrong 91 The Purpose of Law a Human Nature s Punishmenits "* The Wrongdoer and the Wronged 7. Equality and Difference Differences between Peopc Attitude to Other Relios 96 SAttitudes to Ethnic and National Di vrsi y * Women and Men . Arc All People Eqiua 8. Conflict and Violence Why does Conflict Exist? W ihy do Different Nations Exi 101 *nNational and Ethnic Conflicta 'o Jst Wa Con:nbor Cha lenges - Socal and DIeoestic Violrnce 9. Global Issues Responses to iWorld Povert, - Responses to PoUl,ti,n 18 Control - Planet Eaarh and Ecology 10. Glossary Bibliography - Addresses i1 Section C: Sikhisrn Eeafnor Nesbirt 1, ReiYgious Identity and Authority 118 1On Beiýng a Si kh A hority Authority Figures in the Faith - Duties of Lctaders Dliess of Subjects and Cirizens . Personal and Private? 126 PeCsonal Qualities - Friendship * Sex before Marriage - Hoi)osexual,' - f1iIVIATMDS 3. Marriage and the Family 130 "The Mea7nig of Marriage a Famih,l Rcationships * Tarriage Breakdo'a'n 4, influences on andi the U se of Time, Money and Other Personal Resources 135 Edzucation - Work Leisure and its Use * Wialth SO)rncs The Mlia * Advertising " The Quality and Value of Life 140 The Elderly * Those in N.eed Reproduction * Abortion Euthanasia - Vegetarianism 6. Questions of Right and Wrong 144 The Purpose of Law * Sin and Sins * Punishments * The iWrongdoer and the Wronged :. Equality and Difference 147 SDi' enccst btween People * Attitudes to COh r Religions * Atrinudes to Ethnic and National Diversitr SMo l lmen a n d M e n - A re A l P eo p le E q u a l? . Clonflict and Violence 15 Wyt does Conflict Exis t W Mh,y do Difftrent Nations Exist? Naclttion and Ethnic Co Oit -C ust War'? * CConternpoTrar Chiin"ges Soncial and Domestic Vi-oiece l. i.obal Issues 156 Responses to World Poverty - Responses to Population Control0 Pl anet Eartrh and Ecology 1i0. Glossary Bibliography * Addresses 159 Sict:ior DA : -Judaism Clive A. Lawton . Religious Ie ntity and Authority 168 .Or Bein. ' wish S Aulthority - Aithority Figiorces in the Faith * Dues of Leaders Duies o Sibiects and Citi'ens 2 Personal and Private? i '1 Personal Qualities - Friendship - Sex beforc Marriagc SHorosexuality HIV/AIDS 3. Marriage and the Family 1 76 The Meaning of Marriage - Familv Relationships Marriage Breakdo.wn 4. Influences on and the ULse of Time, hM oney and Other Personal Resources 1 7 Education Work - Leisure and its lUsc - W Vealth - Drugs - The Media - Advertising 5. The Quality and Value of Life 1.4 The Elderly - Those in Need Reproduction o Abortion Euthanasia * Vegetarianism 6. Questions of Right and Wrong 19 The Purpose of Law - Sin and Sins Pulnish.ments o The Wrongdoer and the Wronged 7. Equality and Difference 194 Diffi'ereces bet:een P ieople * Atit.udes to Other R'igioins "Attitudes to Ethnic and National Diversit "• Women and Men - Are Al People Equal? 8. Conflict and Violence 200 Wh) does Conflict Exist? * Why do Different Nations Exist? - National and Ethnic Conflict 'Ju/st W7/ar'? - Contemptorar, Challenges - Social and Domestic Violence 9. Global Issues 206 Responses to World Povertm * Responses to Population Control * Planet Earth and Ecology 10. Glossary - Bibliography - Addresses 2 1 Section E: Christianity Alan Brown L. Religious Identity and Authority 216 On Being a Christian AuthoritN1 Au thorit'" Figu'res in the Faith * Duitis of Leaders - Duties of Subtlects ad C.itizns 2. Personal and Private? 224 Personal Qualities * Friendship * Sex before Marnrige * Homosexualityv HIV /AIDS 13 l arriage and the Family 30j The Meaning of Marriage * Fanily Relationships - Marriage Breakdowni 4. fnfluences on and the Use of Time, Money and Other Personal Resources 234 Educa=ion l WVork and Enmplo?ent * Leiswre and its Use Ct,lE" -Drugs The Medi AAheretsing Th! Eiderly * Those in Need Reproduction - Abortion Euthanasia * Vegetarianis 6. Lestons of Right and Wrong 252 The Prpnose of Lawu SM and Sins . PunLis?zents SThz Wrongdoer and the WYonged "7. Equality and Dif erence 25? D iffeces between People f Atctitdes to Other Religions " AtutiCOes to Ethnic an,d National Diiertsty- "m Wonn and Menp Are All People Equal? 8. Conflict and Violence 264 Wh ys oes Conflict Exist? - Why do Different ations Exist? StiNational and Ethnic Conflict ut Jut r'? * Contem,porary Challengcs Social and Domestic Violence 9. Global issues 270 Responses to Wtorld Poverty Responses to Population Control Planet Earth and Ecology ,0. lossry Bibliograpny Addresses 27 ei'ctioni IF: Islam Azirol Narni . Religious Identity and Authority 283 On B3einr a Mdushim Authority - Authority Figures in the Faith - Duties of Le aders * Ditics of Subjects and Citizens 2. Personal and Private? 296 Personal Qualities " Friendship Sex before Marriage - Homosexuality - HIiVAIDS 3. Marriage and the Family 299 The Meaning of Malrriage * Fm ily Relationships - Marriage Breakdown 4. Influences on and the Use of Time, Money and Other Pe rsona Resources 302 bducation V Work - Leisure and its UseC Wealth - Drigs TFhe Media - Advertising . The Quaitliy and Viaue of Life 312 Tie Elderly * T hose in Need - Reproduction SAnortion Eilthanasia Vedgietariaoism 6. Questions of Right and Wrong 316 The Purpose of Law o Sin and Sins Punishments * The Wrongdoer and the Wronged 7. Equality and Difference 321 Differences between People Attitudes to Ot her Religions, " Attitudes to Ethnic and National Diversity " Womren and Men - Are All People Equal? 8. Conflict and Violence 325 Why does Conflict Exist? - Why do Different Nations Exist? - National and Ethnic Conflict - 'Just War'? - Contemporary Challenges - Social and Domestic Violence 9. Global Issues 329 Responses to World Poverty - Responses to Population Control * Planet Earth and Ecology 10. Glossary * Bibliography Addresses 334

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Religious ethics--Comparative studies.

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